Like everyone else, I am pretty much tired of Covid lockdown in Ontario. But are we ready to face the world if Covid disappears tomorrow? Are we ready to step outside and feel that everything was back to normal and the way it was before? My answer is “NO!!”
At this point, we are becoming more self-conscious than ever because we are very self-aware of the weight we gained, the hair that had gone wild, and the pale-looking colour of our skin from living indoors. At the beginning of this century, that might be considered attractive in the affluent society to be fair and plum, but we live in a different world now.
Aside from the superficial aspects of what makes us human, we are now desocialized and had restructured our community into smaller cohorts with many restrictions. As humans, we thrive as a community as a collective rather than as an individual. It is a key to happiness, but our community had broken down and our whole life is on “out of order” mode.
I was telling my friends, “I am tired of the lockdown but I am not ready to face the world.” Listening to myself talk, I realized I have to prepare myself for dealing with post-covid syndrome. The good news is that you do not need a doctor with a medical degree to tell me how to treat it, or a professional psychiatrist to help the rehabilitation process. Like most people, I know what I have to do, it is a matter of realizing it and taking action.
Just for fun, these are the symptoms of PCS:
Weight gain
Lack of motivation
Feeling disoriented and at times, a sense of lost
Overgrown hair from lack of grooming
Poor diet and eating habits
Overwhelming feeling when in crowded space
Forgetting names of people you once knew well
Loss of sense of fashion and style
Retrieving to a corner during social events
Drinking more alcohol than usual
Sensitive to bright sun and fresh air that’s not allergy related
Overspending or need of retail therapy
Addiction to Netflix and Prime or mindless Youtube videos
Suggested treatment for PCS after lockdown:
Eat lots of leafy greens and fruit, and drink lots of water
Cut down on sugar and junk food consumption
Go for walks and stay active. Exercise lots!!
Ask a friend to go shopping with you to keep you from overspending
Slowly invited friends and family to get used to socializing again
Wear sunglasses and hats for a nature walk
Choose books over Netflix, Prime, or Youtube
Limit your to 1 or 2 alcoholic beverage each day if not less
Start wearing your nice clothes again just for the heck of it
Find more fashion ideas on Pinterest
Forgive yourself for forgetting people’s names
Turn on “Eyes of the Tiger” for motivation every morning or pick your song
Since January, I have been very consistent with my weight gain. I wasn’t eating a lot but what I ate was not healthy and I was eating at the worst timing. Moreover, I keep forgetting to drink water. This week, I ate so much healthy food and had started drinking more water and cutting down sugar. My level of consumption went up, but I have lost weight already. It goes to show that “you are what you eat” but not how much you eat.
I will take my own advice and follow the above suggestions and let you know the difference in a month. I want to be able to see my friends and feel good about myself. Moreover, I am planning to have a boudoir session for myself rather soon. This is giving me more incentive to work on myself so I can walk the walk and show my clients that I am not just all talk.